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Northfield Celebrates Homecoming

Northfield Celebrates Homecoming

By Emma Adams, Communications Student Intern

The high school practice of Homecoming is rife with traditions that build a strong school community and promote pride in one’s school. Such traditions give students the motivation and an outlet to express their love and support for their school in their own creative ways.

Peach Fuzz is an important tradition coinciding with Homecoming. High school boys are given the opportunity to sign up for this highly anticipated game of friendly yet competitive volleyball known as Peach Fuzz. This year, Northfield hosted a Peach Fuzz game.

Another staple of Homecoming are the dress up days throughout the week leading up to the Homecoming football game. Students are encouraged to participate in dress up days selected based on that year’s Homecoming theme as determined by the Student Council. Such dress up days build morale and excitement amongst the students Seeing the creative costumes students either make or put together brightens one’s day and encourages others to follow suit. Northfield’s Homecoming theme this year was “Haunted Homecoming.”

Additionally, Northfield introduced another event, a high school only bonfire night accompanied by a variety of games with prizes, music, and snacks.

Homecoming is a staple when considering school spirit as it unites the school community behind an exciting week full of activities. Whether it be athletics, the arts, or vying to be the best dressed, every student is given the opportunity to participate in Homecoming to some capacity and in their own way.

Homecoming also unites the past and the present by inviting back the prior year’s Homecoming king and queen as well as many other alumni who have remained in the community. Many prior graduates attend the Homecoming game to show support for their former school, exemplifying the sense of community within Northfield.

Northfield High School’s Homecoming court was composed of Ben Snyder and Jaycee Krom as king and queen; Reid Haupert, CJ Long, Isaiah Beall, Brianna Boocher, Eden Hoover, and Mara Zolman representing the senior class; Isaac Burkhart, James Sisco, Jojo Drancik, and Camryn Kuhn representing the juniors; Brayden Rice, Ty Leming, Sophia Holley, and Avery Sisco representing the sophomores; and Chad Eckols, Holten Satterthwaite, Emma Wilson, and Amara Frieden representing the freshmen.